Marriage Help - 8 Tips On How To Communicate Effectively In Your Marriage

Can you really stay happily ever after in a marriage?
To keep a marriage good you have to work on it. Both of you have to be ready to keep working on the relationship. You will need lots of tender loving care to keep your relationship fresh and exciting. When you are both willing to give and receive, the chance for survival of your relationship is increased.
8 Tips on how to make your marriage work:
1. Whether you are just married or have been together for many years, in order to build a strong relationship you must learn how to communicate effectively. Try to listen to your partner to be certain that you are understanding what they are telling you. Give each other your full attention when you are talking. Look at your partner in the eyes when they are speaking to help you really understand them. It is not enough to just listen to them. Show that you have everything understood that your partner has talked about.
2. Don't suppose to know how your partner feels about something. Just because you like something don't volunteer them to do it with you. ASK! Never forget to be so thoughtful to see if they would like to do it.
3. Compliment them when you see them doing something nice. When your partner does something good, Say, I caught you! Then proceed to thank them for doing such a wonderful thing and tell them how much you appreciate it. A little appreciation goes a long way and you will be amazed about the results. Every time when you show your partner that they are making you happy, they will be doing kind things again and again to receive your recognition.
4. Is there something that you both enjoy doing? Then do it at least one time a week together. Go to the cinema, take a course together, go walking, swimming of whatever you like. Look for any shared interests and keep doing them as often as possible.
5. Be your partner's best friend. When they are working on something they really want, always cheer them on. Hold their hand when they need it and give them a shoulder to cry on. Share all your dreams and reveal your goals, so you both can work together. When the accomplish something, always let them know that your are proud of them.
6. Don't make the mistake to ignore your partner. Don't get so wrapped up in your own life that you completely forget the everyday niceties. Hug and kiss them daily. Don't hang out with your friends the whole weekend or watch TV. Make it a habit to spend time together with your partner each weekend, so you will have more in common to talk about and you will see that you will grow closer together.
7. It is very important that you "never go to bed angry", this might be hard sometimes, but it is vital. If you let your anger boil long enough it will be much harder to resolve the problem and you will be trying to avoid it with leaving the house or going to bed. Learning to agree to disagree if you have to will help in keeping the peace. This will only work if you are totally honest about agreeing that it is ok to disagree at times especially if it is a minor problem. This helps you in not wasting time by being angry about small things.
8. You don't lose anything if you admit that you were wrong. If you were wrong, admit it. Not doing this because of your pride will not help you in any way and a marriage going wrong is a much higher price to pay.
There are always individual differences in a relationship, but it is definitely possible to live together in a harmonic way. Exercise the points above and make sure you clear all disharmony before going to bed.
Love and cherish another. Build a strong bond by being loving and honest with each other. This is how you make your marriage work.

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