What Approach Should You Use to Rescue Your Marriage?

Somewhere along the path there is likely going to come a spot when you will have some sort of marriage troubles or another, no matter how tough your marriage is at the start. This is typical in most marriages.  It’s when those “normal” marital problems turn into “abnormal” marital challenges, that is when a marriage can turn onto the the point of no return.

Statistically speaking, over 50% of all beginning marriages end in divorce and that percentage rises with second and third time marriages.  So the question is, are people doing all they can to discover the right kind of marriage help?  In my opinion I think the answer is “no”.  Marriage has become too easily disposable and when people begin having marriage problems they just don’t feel it’s worth the time or effort to try to resolve a miserable marriage.

If you, in fact, hope to save your marriage then will have to take the appropriate steps in doing that.  Your marriage is not going to fix itself; you have to take control and repair it yourself.  As the saying goes, “you made your bed now lie in it” and that’s the bottom line when it comes to saving your marriage.

The first thing you need to figure out is what the cause of the problem is.  Relationship troubles come in numerous levels; it’s only when you find out the cause of the problem can you begin digging through the layers to figure out the rest of the challenges.  This can be an agonizing and eye-opening experience and likely you will both have to take a long look in the mirror and admit to the truth that fault falls on you both.  It takes two people to make a marriage and it also requires two people to destroy it.  If you feel it’s worth your effort and time to fix your marriage, and want more detailed information, you can get the ball rolling with the magic of making up review right here.

Allowing marriage challenges to remain forever will eventually lead to the termination of the marriage so it is crucial, if you truly desire to save your marriage, to be aware of your relationship problems and start to work through them together.  The longer you live in an miserable marriage the less likely it is you will want to save it.  You begin looking at the grass on the other side of the fence, which at that time in your life, looks much more tempting than the dead grass you keep trying to chew on.

Once you have figured out the root cause of the problem you have to dig up that root, burn it, and then plant new seeds in its place.  You see, once the root is dead, the rest will follow, but only as long as the root is dead.  The trouble with most marriages when they are seeking marriage help, is that they discover the root of the problem and attempt to dig it up and kill it, but they never fully succeed which leaves the root there to spark new growth.  This is not a time to play the blame game; you both are to blame and you both have to decide what is most important.  If one person is willing but the other is not, your hard work are futile; it has to be a shared endeavor.

I’ve never agreed that marriage is a 50/50 thing; marriage is a 100/100 thing.  If both people aren’t giving their full all to the marriage, how can a marriage possibly continue?  It’s like baking a cake; if you don’t use 100% of the ingredients the recipe calls for, the cake is not going to turn out.

An miserable marriage doesn’t have to always be miserable; you have power of this issue and you have the control to resolve it.  The best approach is going straight to the cause of the problem and eliminating that cause.  This takes guts and dedication but if you are serious about saving your marriage you’ll swallow your pride and do what it takes to make the marriage fit and strong once again.  The most key thing to always keep in mind is you must not relive the past.  Once you fix it, it’s done.  If you can’t get past the challenge then the trouble is more anchored than you thought.  You have to dig until it’s completely dead and removed from your life.

If you are really interested in saving your marriage check out the Save My Marriage Today review to see if you can get more useful information that can help you to succeed in saving your marriage.

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